Guidelines for the Fashion Garbage exhibition to raise tourism awareness

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sarath simsiri
Natthapon Kongkitimanon


Nowadays, the problem of garbage is a problem that the whole world is focusing on, together with campaigning in terms of reducing an amount of waste. Some waste can decompose within a short time, but some takes hundreds or even thousands of years to decompose completely. These lead to the trend of concerning the world more widely in all areas by reusing items that are still usable or reusable in terms of recycling waste that has not been disposed through the Recycle and Reuse methods for maximum benefit. We will present the new way of fashion, including costume and accessories, brands and products or products that come from waste or waste materials that are from the environmental and friendly production processes. For this reason, "Fashion Garbage" project is willing to raise tourism awareness through event & exhibition activities by providing information, methods and also innovations that can be used to modify and recycle waste for the reuse. This is another way to support, reduce waste and support the growth of this industry and business further.

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How to Cite
simsiri, sarath, & Kongkitimanon, N. (2022). Guidelines for the Fashion Garbage exhibition to raise tourism awareness. Journal of Faculty of Architecture and Design RMUTP, 1(2), 9–20. Retrieved from
Academic article


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