Study and Design Project for Interior Decoration from Sunflowers, Saraburi Province

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Kwanjira Jantree
Sasiprapa Wechasin


The objectives of this research are 1) Study physical characteristics of sunflowers as a guideline for product development 2) Design interior decorations from sunflowers in Saraburi Province. 3) Assess the satisfaction of consumers towards home decorative products from sunflowers in Saraburi Province.

Conducting research by studying a sunflower and home interiors styles, as well as the principles of consistent design, development to be reduced to 3 patterns with hierarchical analysis techniques to be prototyped and evaluated by ceramics design experts 3 persons and assessed consumer satisfaction from a sample of 51 people by evaluating the data in a rating scale.

The results showed that product for interior decoration from sunflowers, Saraburi province Design 3 is the most suitable for use (  = 4.66, S.D. = 0.42). And consumer satisfaction showed that Design 3 of product is very appropriate (𝑥̅= 3.86, S.D.= 0.54), the price side
is very appropriate (𝑥̅= 4.46, S.D.= 0.44), the distribution channel side is very appropriate (𝑥̅= 4.20, S.D.= 0.42) and the marketing promotion side is very appropriate (𝑥̅= 4.65, S.D.= 0.40). The mean of analysis including all 4 aspects is very appropriate (𝑥̅ = 4.04, S.D. = 0.45).

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How to Cite
Jantree, K., & Wechasin, S. . (2023). Study and Design Project for Interior Decoration from Sunflowers, Saraburi Province. Journal of Faculty of Architecture and Design RMUTP, 2(1), 85–99. retrieved from
Research Articles


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