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The objectives of this research were to 1) develop a test bank of student teacher competency assessment examination according to the Teachers Council of Thailand professional competency assessment framework and 2) Study the guidelines for improving readiness for the teacher's license examination. The research population included 454 fifth-year students in the Bachelor of Education Program and 173 graduate diploma students in teacher profession in the 2020 academic year 2020. The research instruments consisted of 1) Student-teacher competency assessment test according to the Teacher’s Council Professional Competency Assessment Framework. 2) A questionnaire on guidelines for improving students’ readiness for the teacher's license examination. The research results revealed that: A test diagnostic test bank for the teacher's license examination was developed taking into consideration 4 subject areas with 100 items per subject. And Guidelines for developing students’ readiness level for teacher's professional license examination. 1) Assessment of competence and academic readiness before and after preparation is generally at a moderate level. 2) There should be preparation for content and build a positive work attitude in students. Review the content and knowledge you have learned and try to find test questions in the area of content under study. make a comprehensive understanding of the content and knowledge learned and make summaries based on the understanding of the content. Constantly review the content and try as much as possible to test your understanding by doing a series of tests or diagnostic examination and study the content carefully and widely as the examination questions focus on assessing critical thinking with quiet difficult content. 3) Remember that the greatest motivation for success is obtaining a teacher's license, 4) the teaching and learning process as well as measurements and assessments in the curriculum should be according to the teacher’s council and in accordance with the examination for the teacher's professional license. 5) The readiness development activities undertaken by the Faculty of Education, should be organized in advance in order to give student-teacher enough time to prepare for the examination.
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