Mobile Multifunctional Room Design Quick installation to achieve a new generation of office efficiency

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Akekapong Treetrong
Anucha Pangkesorn


The current issue faced by organizations that need to rent office space is the difficulty in relocating or modifying the space to meet the organization's needs, whether in cases of expansion or downsizing. Additionally, the immovable interior design creates challenges and requires a high budget. Transporting and moving materials is difficult and prone to damage. Investment in the office rental business has shown a declining trend from 2023 to 2025 with a decrease of 84%, reflecting limitations in investment, available construction space, and time for moving decorative materials and furniture.

The design of movable multipurpose rooms with low installation time focuses on decorating the space to create a positive office atmosphere through spatial arrangement. The study results show that adjusting the space to be open and using sound-absorbing materials, such as Acoustic Wall & Ceiling panels, creates an environment similar to standing under tree shade while reducing noise disruption. This article suggests a prototype design for removable and movable decoration, addressing the issues of fixed decoration and usage, while creating a positive atmosphere in simple spaces to meet the future needs of office decoration.

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How to Cite
Treetrong, A., & Pangkesorn, A. (2024). Mobile Multifunctional Room Design Quick installation to achieve a new generation of office efficiency. Journal of Faculty of Architecture and Design RMUTP, 3(2), 45–60. retrieved from
Research Articles


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