The architectural design and space development approach under the context of conservation and sustainable development: The project of learning resources and creative park development at the Makkasan Factory Heritage site.

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Teerapong Chaison
Preeyanud Khamsanong


The project of learning resources and creative park development at the Makkasan Factory Heritage site is an architectural design project in an area of historical significance related to the State Railway of Thailand. It is based on the concept of preserving architecture in contemporary society and sustainable urban development in the 21st century, emphasizing the creation of ecological balance, reducing resource consumption, and repurposing old architecture in ways that differ from the past, in order to create a shared space for learning and recreation in society.

          The project design begins with a feasibility study of the project, focusing on policies for land development management and architectural conservation. It involves gathering information on architecture, the environment, and space usage. Activities are designed for the new project, project details are defined, architectural design is carried out, and the results are presented. The concept of architectural design and sustainable space development is an approach that can be applied in designing and managing architecture in almost any area, depending on the context of society, economy, and the needs of the project's users.

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How to Cite
Chaison, T., & Khamsanong, P. (2024). The architectural design and space development approach under the context of conservation and sustainable development: The project of learning resources and creative park development at the Makkasan Factory Heritage site. Journal of Faculty of Architecture and Design RMUTP, 3(2), 61–77. retrieved from
Research Articles


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