KH.Muhammad Thahir Imam Lapeo Cleric and fighter
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Kh.Muhammad Thahir Imam Lapeo is known as a waliyullah Sufi and a pious prophet of Islam who has totally changed his entire life for science and the people. He is known not only for his depth of knowledge and high human spirit but also because society has gained from his presence and even what he has now left behind. The lineage of Imam Lapeo, Imam Laveo was born with the name Junaihin Namli. However, on the advice of Habib Sheikh Al-Allama, Al-Habib Alwi Bin Abdullah Bin Sahlal Jumallullail. Junaihi Namli's name was changed to Muhammad Tahir. He was born in Pambusuang in 1839, but there are also a number of sources that he is born in 1838 from the couple Muhammad (Kanne Caca) and Ikaji. (Siti Rajial). His father was known as a memorizer of the Quran and worked as a teacher. farmers and fishermen. If drawn from his father's lineage, Imam Lapeo is guru ga'de or Abdul Al-Adi, guru ga’de himself is known as one of the propagators of Islam at the end of the 17th century. Meanwhile, if drawn from his mother's line, Imam Lapeo is of noble descent from Mara'dia Tietie's ancestors were To Malindo in Lita'na. Furthermore, the activities of Imam Lapeo are not limited to Laveo and its surroundings. He also wandered north of the land of Mandar. One of them is in Mamuju and Tappalang. His activity of teaching Islam in the community caused Mara'dia Tappalang to accept and appoint him as Mara’dia syara' Tappalan or kadi tappalang. Making Imam Lapeo carry out two roles at the same time as an Imam in Lapao and a Kadi in Tappalang at same time. During his preaching, Imam Lapeo always tried to help people who were in trouble, he several times went into debt to give Eat other people who are starving. Once upon a time, during the famine season, almost the entire community of Lapeo had difficulty getting food. Imam Lapeo then buys rice by borrowing from a rice trader who comes to Lapeos to distribute it to the community. Not long after that the merchant came to collect it and then Imam Lapeo paid him his own gold metal.
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https to,15 Feb 2019- Soal nama Lapeo, K.H. Muhammad Tahir yang diberi nama Imam Lapeo karena beliaulah yang mendirikan mesjid di Daerah Lapeo.