Journal of Education Yala Rajabhat University

ISSN : 2822-0099 (Online)

Faculty of Education, Yala Rajabhat University, has published the Journal of Education, Yala Rajabhat University, with the objective of being a source to support teaching and learning at the master's degree level, including the bachelor's degree level at Yala Rajabhat University and other universities, in publishing research works, academic articles of students, lecturers, scholars, alumni, and interested persons, as well as to create academic networks in both educational institutions and other related institutions. The journal is open for consideration of articles for publication in the fields of education, Islamic studies, language and culture, social sciences and humanities, and publishes the journal in electronic format.

Publication schedule: 2 issues per year (Issue 1 January - June, Issue 2 July - December)

Policy and Scope of Publication: The Journal of Education has a policy to consider and accept for publication articles in the fields of education, Islamic studies, language and culture, and social sciences and humanities. The target groups are students, lecturers, academics, alumni, and interested general public.


Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): July – December

Published: 2024-12-23

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