Cyberbullying Among Youth in Thailand's Southern Border Provinces: The Impact of Negative Parenting in Families
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This study explored the influence of negative parenting on youth cyberbullying in Thailand’s three southern border provinces. In-depth interviews were conducted with 21 youth who engaged in cyberbullying, 21 youth who were victims, 21 parents, and 15 academic experts. Semi-structured interviews served as the primary data collection method. Data were analyzed through content analysis, Analyzing data through a comparative framework of relevant concepts, theories, and contextual insights. The findings indicate that negative parenting including controlling parenting, neglectful parenting, and indulgent parenting contributes to cyberbullying by affecting personality and behavior development, often resulting in a lack of warmth and support, exposure to severe punishment or violence, inadequate supervision, absence of positive values, and modeling of inappropriate behaviors. These findings lay the groundwork for developing effective policies and actionable strategies to prevent, monitor, and mitigate youth cyberbullying.
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