The Art Creating Process of Khap Se-Pha (Thai Verse) for Lakorn Kun Chang Khun Phan Episode “Khun Phan Abducted Nang Wan Thong” in English Version


  • Nopphakoon Sudprasert Faculty of Music and Drama, Bunditpatanasilpa Institute


Creation art process, Khap Se-pha, Lakhon Khun Chang Khun Phaen Episode “Khun Phaen Abducts Nang Wan Thong”, English version


The purpose of the English version of The Art Creating Process of Khap Se-Pha (Thai Verse) for Lakorn Khun Chang Kun Phaen Episode “Khun Phan Abducted Nang Wan Thong” was to examine the Art Creating Process of Khap Se-Pha (Thai Verse) for Lakorn Khun Chang Khun Phaen Episode “Khun Phan Abducted Nang Wan Thong.” The researcher sought for foreigners to learn about Khap Se-pha (Thai verse) performances of Thai literature while also appreciating and comprehending the lyrics. The creation was a Khap Se-pha performance in which the selected episode from King Rama II’s work was translated into English while preserving the format of Klon Suphap (a Thai octameter poem). The performance of Khap Se-pha in English was regarded as a new dimension for Thai vocal music art and opened the opportunity for Thai cultural art to be exhibited abroad and acknowledged on an international scale. The following was the procedure for creating art: This study was inspired by the performance of Khap Se-pha by Khun Chang Khun Phaen, in which the researcher was captivated by the beautiful poetic lyrics of King Rama II as well as the inserted songs. The episode was chosen based on the opinions gathered from interviews with national artists and specialised experts regarding its suitability and eligibility for translation. The English version followed the format of a traditional Thai octameter poem. The voice and musical notes were recorded. For the study’s analytical results, the poem was translated using both literal and non-literal translation techniques. The translation techniques included word-by-word translation, translation of connotative meaning, free translation, and transliteration, depending on the poetic nature of the original language’s sentences.


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How to Cite

Sudprasert, N. . (2022). The Art Creating Process of Khap Se-Pha (Thai Verse) for Lakorn Kun Chang Khun Phan Episode “Khun Phan Abducted Nang Wan Thong” in English Version. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University, 17(1), 1–18. retrieved from



Research Article