Guideline for Creating Innovations of Small Business for Modern Entrepreneurs

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Supaporn Sompaiboon
Sorat Wisutthipaet
Songpol Vithanwatana
Bussarakam Seedaluang


Innovation for the entrepreneurs can increase a competitive advantage in business. Not only the large groups of the entrepreneurs but also the small entrepreneurs should focus on creating or taking the innovations to benefit the business. There are different types of innovations created by various methods. Therefore, the entrepreneurs, who are interested in the innovation creation, should apprehend the innovations and the innovation construction. Consequently, they can use the appropriate innovations for themselves, the customers and the business types. This will also assist the entrepreneurs to have the potential of the business competition, which can lead to the business stability. The results of the comparisons on the investment, the risk, the innovation complexity and the expected benefits of creating and implementing various innovations showed that the service innovation was at the moderate investment, at the low risk and at the moderate complex. However, the benefits were highly expected. Therefore, the development of the service innovations might be suitable for the small entrepreneurs to operate for survival and further development. There was a 5-step approach; 1) Empathize the customers, 2) Define the problems, 3) Brainstorm, 4) Create the prototype and 5) Test the prototype with the target groups.

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How to Cite
Sompaiboon, S., Wisutthipaet, S., Vithanwatana, S., & Seedaluang, B. (2023). Guideline for Creating Innovations of Small Business for Modern Entrepreneurs . Journal of Management Science Nakhonratchasima University, 2(1), 78–88. Retrieved from
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