Opinions of the Tourists towards the Services Selection of Pong Bua Ban Hot Spring Community Spa, Mae Pang, Phrao District, Chiang Mai
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The purpose of this research was to study the opinions of the tourists towards the services selection of the Pong Bua Ban Hot Spring Community Spa, Mae Pang Sub-district, Phrao, Chiang Mai Province. The data was collected with 407 tourists. The research tool was the closed-ended and open-ended questionnaires. The statistics used in the data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results showed that the majority of the respondents were female business owners ,aged 21-30 years old, with single status, diploma or high vocational Certificate level, and earned less than 20,000 baht per month.
According to the tourists’ opinions, the most important service marketing mix factor affecting the selection of the spa services was the skilled and professional massagers. Their hospitality can be improved by the smiling faces and the service mind. The factor affecting the selection of the spa services with the least rating was the off-line promotion.Therefore, there should be brochures for regular or local clients. The most important tourism component factor was the tourism attraction by maintaining the beauty and the cleanliness of natural hot springs. On the contrary, the least rating factors were the tourism activities and the additional services. The health activities in the hot springs linking with the nearby tourist attractions and the safety service were also suggested.
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