The Comparison of Consumers’ Marketing Mix Decision in Herbal Facial Soap Purchase in Nakhon Ratchasima Province
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The research was objected to 1) study the purchasing behavior of the herbal facial soap products. 2) to study the factors of marketing mix in the purchase decision of the herbal facial soap products and 3) to compare the factors of marketing mix in the decision to purchase the herbal facial soap products classified by the personal factors. The sample group was included with 400 consumers, who used the herbal facial soaps in Nakhon Ratchasima province. A questionnaire was used as a tool. The statistics used in the research were the percentage, the mean and the standard deviation. The t-Test and the F-Test differences, were used to compare the differences while the Scheffe Analysis was used for comparing in pairs.The results of the study found that most of the consumers chose Serina silk protein soap. As it moisturizes the skin. Moreover, the lovers have influences in the purchasing decisions. Most of them bought the soaps from the dealers once a month and bought less than 50 baht per time. For the marketing mix factors, the purchasing herbal facial soap products factor in Nakhon Ratchasima province was overall at the high level. Considering each aspect, the product value was at the highest level, followed by the price, the distribution channels and the marketing promotion respectively. Moreover, there was a statistically significant difference at 0.05 among the genders, the education levels and the occupations in the marketing mix factors. That was the purchase of the herbal facial soap products, in the aspects of the prices and the distribution channels.
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