Securities Valuation of the Company's Securities Construction Materials Public Company Limited
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This research was objected 1) to study the factors affecting the business performance of Construction Materials Public Company Limited 2) to forecast the financial budget of Construction Materials Public Company Limited between 2023 -2027, and 3) to evaluate the securities value of Construction Materials Public Company Limited. The researchers utilized 120 quarterly data between 2013 to 2022.The research findings indicated that 1) there were two significant factors affecting the company's performance at the level of 0.05. One factor was the construction material price index, which positively correlated with the company's total revenue. The other factor was the consumer price index, which inversely correlated with the company's total revenue 2) the results of the forecast found that investing money in the assets in the items of property, buildings, and equipment, could make total assets, liabilities, and total shareholders' equity equal. Moreover, it tended to yearly increase sales 3) regarding the evaluation of the securities value by using the discounted cash flow method, it was found that the company's common stock value was 8.3 Baht per share. Considering the ratio method, it revealed that the company's common stock value ranged from 3.37 to 10.82 Baht per share, with an average common stock value of 7.11 Baht per share.
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