Behavior of Selection Food Delivery Application in Pathum Thani Province
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This study was objected to: 1) investigate the factors influencing the use of food delivery applications in Pathum Thani province, and 2) examine users’ behavior in selecting the food delivery applications in Pathum Thani province. The research employed a quantitative approach, with a sample of 395 users from Pathum Thani. Data were collected by using the closed-ended questionnaires and were analyzed through discriminant analysis to construct a classification equation. The findings revealed that the factors influencing the use of food delivery applications in Pathum Thani were included with the age, the educational level, the monthly income, the consumer behavior in using the service, the price per order, the attitudes toward the food delivery applications, and the usability and service quality of the applications. Additionally, the factors affecting the selection behavior of food delivery applications were also included with the monthly income, the most frequently ordered food types, the application’s ease of use ,the simplicity, the speed of operation, and the convenience of tracking the delivery status. These variables were utilized to develop a discriminant function for group classification. The classification model achieved an accuracy of 81.5% in predicting group membership.
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