Application of Beliefs and Innovations to Support Creative Tourism Policy during the COVID - 19 Pandemic in Roi Kaen - Sarasin Area
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This research was objected to study the application, the influencing factors on
the application, and the practice proposal for applying the beliefs and the innovations to support the creative tourism policy during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Roi-Kaen-Sarasin area. The study employed a mixed-method approach, collecting data through questionnaires from 400 samplings and interviewing with 40 key informants. Data were analyzed by using Mean, Percentage, Multiple Regression Analysis, and Content analysis.
The findings are as the following: 1) the application of the beliefs and the innovations to support the creative tourism policy during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Roi-Kaen-Sarasin area was overall at a moderate level. Ranking the aspects from the highest to the lowest, they were respectively included with the application of the beliefs and the innovations, the awareness
of the beliefs and the innovations, and the methods of applying the beliefs and the innovations., 2) the factors, such as the role of the monastic council, the role of the abbots, and the role of the local sectors, significantly influenced the application of the beliefs and the innovations to support the creative tourism policy during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Roi-Kaen-Sarasin area, with statistical significance at the level of 0.05., 3) it is recommended to enhance the communication about the policy formulation process, the consistent integration among agencies about implementing the policy, and the understanding regarding the policy evaluation and the monitoring.
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