Up-cycling of waste from community waste management process in product processing for Household use in the communities in the Nong Hua Phan Subdistrict Municipality Kham Sakae Seng District Nakhon Ratchasima Province
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The objective of this study was 1) to add value to the waste by waste sorting process and transforming the waste as the community products. 2) to educate the community about the added value to the waste by waste sorting process. It was the area-based research. The key informants were 20 members of the Waste Bank. The purposive sampling was used while the data collection was gathered by the interview form.
The research revealed that 1) the value can be added by the waste sorting process. Unmarketable plastic bottles were processed into brooms and were sold between 120-160 baht per shaft. 2) the knowledge of the value -added to the waste by waste sorting process was transferred. Most of the sampling groups understood the process , have the knowledge and skills of converting plastic waste into the brooms. There were 10 steps of the processes; selecting PET bottles, washing and drying them, removing the labels and the bottom of the bottles, pulling them into plastic strands and then binding them into 8 to 9 bundles. The last step is to knit them all together. The process of preparing the plastic line for the broom requires the utmost care. This research affected the community’s ability. The community members could increase the value of the waste by the waste sorting process and turn it into the household products.
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