• Publication Policy and Scope:

           The Journal of MCU Languages and Culture is an academic publication in humanities and social sciences. Its objectives include promoting research and exploration in humanities and social sciences, serving as a medium for exchanging knowledge, and disseminating scholarly works to researchers, academics, professors, and students at all levels. The journal publishes two issues annually, every 6 months (Issue 1: January - June, Issue 2: July - December) in an online journal system. Thai Journals Online (ThaiJO). All published articles undergo a rigorous peer-review process by three qualified experts in the relevant field. The content of the articles should pertain to dimensions of language and linguistics, cultural studies, general arts, humanities, religious studies, and communication. Submissions are accepted in Thai and English.

              Articles submitted to JMLC for publication should not have been previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors must adhere strictly to the criteria for presenting academic or research papers for publication in the JMLC, including adherence to citation guidelines set by the journal.

              The opinions and viewpoints expressed in the articles within the JMLC are the responsibility of the respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or responsibility of the editorial board or the Language Institute of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University's Language Institute.


  • Journal  objectives
  1. To promote academic research and disseminate scholarly works in humanities and social sciences.
  2. To serve as a platform for exchanging knowledge and academic opinions among researchers, scholars, professors, and students at all levels.


Full Edition Title

Journal of MCU Languages and Cultures

Frequency of Issue:

Twice a year in June and December



Publication Type:



Language Institute, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Thai & English
