Buddhist methods of management and development of human resources for sustainable happiness

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Pharamaha Kampol Attapalo


Buddhist methods of management and development of human resources for sustainable happiness It is the application of the Buddha Dharma of the Lord Buddha to integrate in the management and development of human resources to lead the organization to success effectively. By focusing on training and self-improvement as the basis in order to make changes in the way of prosperity and development. This is not just the development of skills, knowledge or external things only however it is focused on deep development of the level of spirituality. It is a training that develops from the foundation of feelings and intellect, which is the real development of human values. Because investment and development in human capital is the key to driving the organization. Human resource management by using various principles is to promote equality of opportunity for personnel in the organization. Enabling everyone and all parties to develop their own potential and skills more in order to cause the success of the job as well. If everyone and all parties work together to help each other with full strength and full potential that they have. It is believed that this will result in the organization and the team effectively achieving common goals and objectives. Which will lead to sustainable success and happiness

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How to Cite
Attapalo, P. K. . (2022). Buddhist methods of management and development of human resources for sustainable happiness. Journal of MCU Languages and Cultures, 2(2), 35–55. Retrieved from https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMLC/article/view/1424
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