The Ordination Problems in Contemporary Thai Society
Problems, Ordination, Thai SocietyAbstract
Ordination is the practice or self-improvement by bringing one out of the state of being secular. Living a life that goes against the current of desires, at the same time there is a physical self-training. speech and mind to a higher state of suffering Problems of ordination in Thai society today. Regarding the ordination, it was found that the ordination had different objectives in ordination. and the priest does not know the true purpose of the ordination. As for the ordained monks, it was found that the process of screening the monks of the preceptors was lax. When ordained, there is a lack of teachers who give advice and training in terms of practice and practice. As a result, the monks are unable to achieve the goals of true ordination. As for the way to solve the problem of ordination in Thai society It can be summarized as follows: 1. Strictly follow the principles of the Dharma and Discipline. 2. Examine the qualifications of those who come to ordain thoroughly. 3. Provide education and training, both before and after the ordination, with a curriculum, form and method of training. 4. Develop places and religious personnel to have both quality and sufficient quantity. which will make the propagation of Buddhism progress as the Lord Buddha's wishes
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