English Language Learning Management with Netflix Application for Students in the Thailand Era 4.0


  • Phutthikrai Chantharangsri Faculty of Education Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Thailand 4.0, Teaching English, Netflix application


Thailand 4.0 is the current model of national economic development, that the state has set the vision to become "stable, wealthy and sustainable". It is a change in the economic structure or an economy driven by innovation. Current education management focuses on building human resources to have knowledge and skills and competence necessary for the 21st century life, covering life skills, occupational skills, moral skills, ethics and foreign language skills, promoting the creativity, innovation and new products. The use of technology and Information having critical and creative thinking skills, problem-solving and working together as a team to complete an activity or piece of work, to help learners acquire knowledge and language skills for using in real communication situations. For learners to build up knowledge from learning the language and the use of language in communication situations through a variety of communication activities, the work-oriented language teaching is a management guideline. Learning English to meet the demand of today's society, that wants to develop Thai people to have English skills at the communicative level effectively to be an important resource for the development of the country in line with the concept of national development in era of Thailand 4.0


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How to Cite

Chantharangsri, P. . (2022). English Language Learning Management with Netflix Application for Students in the Thailand Era 4.0. Journal of MCU Languages and Cultures, 1(1), 26–32. retrieved from https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMLC/article/view/357