Integration of Astrological English in Consultation to Singaporean Buddhists on their Life Problems


  • Phramaha Yongyoot Thirathammo


Integration, Astrology, Buddhism


The article presents the integration of English in astrological context for consulting the Singaporean Buddhists on their life problems. Consultation to Buddhists mainly use English in everyday life, which is usually being informal, close to daily life and not too academic. The focus is mostly using simple English on communicating the essence of Buddhism to enable audiences to have an understanding of life. The author applies a unique Singaporean style of English known as "Singlish" in discussing life problems through astrology, and strengthening their faith, giving encouragement to people, which includes instructions on how to live in Buddhist practices. The use of astrological English is important in a way that it connects Dharma to Singaporeans. In particular, the Buddhist community is divided into three sub-groups: teenagers (15-25 years), working-age (26-70 years), and senior people (71 years and up). They vary according to age, and each has different concerns in life. Teenagers ask questions about their education, love and future career. While the working-age group asked for problems related to work, family, income, children, business security, housing and fortune, the elderly group focused on health, family, fortune and children problems. Therefore, the use of English in counseling should be consistent with different age, specific problems, needs and minds, including different cultural beliefs. This is a challenging and yet essential factor in communicating effectively to bring benefits of Dharma to Buddhists in Singapore.


ศูนย์อาเซียนศึกษา มจร. (2560). พระพุทธศาสนาในอาเซียน(แบ่งตามประเทศ). นนทบุรี: ห้างหุ้นส่วนจำกัด เชน ปริ้นติ้ง.

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Religion in Singapore (census 2015)., สืบค้นเมื่อ 1 พ.ย. 2563

ข้อมูลประชากรของประเทศสิงคโปร์ (2020)., สืบค้นเมื่อ 1 พ.ย. 2563

สัมภาษณ์ : William Chye, (Singaporean), 26 August 2563 .

สัมภาษณ์ : Serene Toh, (Singaporean), 27 August 2563




How to Cite

Thirathammo, P. Y. . (2022). Integration of Astrological English in Consultation to Singaporean Buddhists on their Life Problems. Journal of MCU Languages and Cultures, 1(1), 33–46. retrieved from