The Dhammapada analysis on Unkillable life of Ghosaka and The Violence to Benefit from Beliefs and Believed Things


  • Phrapalad Raphin Buddhisaro Faculty of Social Science, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Mallika Phumathon Rajabhat Nakhon Sawan University
  • Direk Duangloy Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Nakhon Sawan Campus


Ghosaka, the Violence, Beliefs and Believed Things


The objective of this study is based on Dhammapada chapters related to the life of Ghosaka, who had a difficult life through many stages of violence as shown in Buddhist literature. This research was conducted by studying documents and related studies, articles and related papers. The results showed that faith-based violence has become violent towards life and family members. For instance, in the case of child abuse, child abandonment since birth, and the violence of property snatching as appeared in the news today. In the Buddha’s time, Ghosaka was the symbol of family violence affecting children’s life and welfare. Therefore, the solution is to end violence by abolishing false values and prophetic beliefs, and clinging to the values of wealth in wrong way.


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How to Cite

Buddhisaro, P. R. ., Phumathon, M. ., & Duangloy, D. . (2022). The Dhammapada analysis on Unkillable life of Ghosaka and The Violence to Benefit from Beliefs and Believed Things. Journal of MCU Languages and Cultures, 2(1), 26–38. retrieved from