Focus and Scope :

Journal of Modern Sport Management (JMSM) aims to publish innovative empirical, theoretical, and review articles related, but not limited to, sport management such as strategy and management; organizational behavioral and human resource management; business and international management; tourism, leisure and hospitality management; marketing; industrial relations; and education.


Publication Process :               

1. The JMSM editorial team investigates the accuracy of the formatting and plagiarism of the manuscript. The manuscript's formatting must comply with the "Author Guidelines" and have a similarity index (from the Akkharawisut system) of less than 20%.

2. The JMSM editor assesses the consistency between the JMSM Focus and Scope and the manuscript content then determines three peer reviewers from various institutions who are specialized in the relevant field to review the manuscript.

3. The peer reviewers evaluate the quality of the manuscript, and the author revises the manuscript following to the peer reviewers' comments. The identities and affiliations of both the peer reviewers and the authors are kept confidential from each other (Double blind).

4. The JMSM editor reviews the evaluation results and the author's revisions and may provide additional comments for further improvement of the article.

5. Once the manuscript is revised to a satisfactory quality, the JMSM editor is responsible for making the final decision regarding the acceptance for publication. The JMSM editor's decision is final.


Types of submission articles :  

1. Research article

2. Academic article

3. Review article

4. Book review


Language :                   

Thai and English


Publication Frequency :  

The JMSM publishes two issues a year

Issue 1 : January - June

Issue 2 : July - December             


Publisher :

Sport Management Association of Thailand                    


Publication fee :

No submission fees, publication fees or page charges


Accepted rate :

39.47% (data as at December 21, 2024)