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Due to the spread of coronavirus disease resulted in perceived service quality of professional Muay Thai spectators differently from previous. This article aimed to study perceived service quality of professional Muay Thai and compare perceived service quality classified by gender, age, income, education level and experience. The questionnaire has validity value at 0.745 and reliability value at 0.914. Data were collected from 400 Max Muay Thai’s spectators at the Max Muay Thai stadium between August and December 2020. Inferential statistic consisting t-test and F-test were used to compare perceived service quality of professional Muay Thai spectators with different groups.
The research results were found that the overall of perceived service quality of professional Muay Thai was at the highest level (=4.38). The factors having the highest mean were 1) outcome quality (
=4.43), 2) physical evidence quality (
=4.40), 3) interaction quality (
=4.39) and 4) event quality (
=4.30) respectively. Moreover, professional Muay Thai spectators with different experience perceived interaction quality (t=2.877) and outcome quality (t=4.429) differently with the statistical significance at .05. On the other hand, professional Muay Thai spectators with different gender, age, income and education level perceived service quality indifferently with the statistical significance at .05. Therefore, entrepreneurs or professional
Muay Thai stadium managers can consider the results for providing service to spectators with different groups specifically.
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