Fitness App Usage Intention: Investigating Consumer Innovativeness and the Technology Acceptance Model
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The purpose of this study is to investigate innovative fitness app usage intention by extending the explanatory power of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by adding a new variable, consumer innovativeness. This variable, which has been found to be a significant predictor of explaining adoption behavior in technology, was examined to further understand behavior intention in the fitness segment of the sport industry. Consumer innovativeness – along with the original TAM variables of perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEU) – was examined to determine its influence on fitness app usage intention. The data collected from 356 survey respondents were used to test the proposed hypotheses. SPSS and AMOS were used to check measurement reliability, participants’ demographic characteristics, model fit, and the path coefficient of the proposed model. The findings revealed that consumer innovativeness (and PU) affected innovative fitness app usage intention. PEU was found to have no such effect. The results contribute to TAM research by adding consumer innovativeness as a significant variable in examining fitness apps. Furthermore, the study provides practical contributions to the fitness technology area of the sport industry.
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