The Constructionand EfficiencyFinding of Double Shaft Corn Seed Cracking Machine


  • Wichai Kongpolnan
  • Preecha Reungchim
  • Singktan Jinakhiaw
  • Thanarak Wichaisuab


Double Shaft Corn Seed Cracking Machine, Efficiency, Satisfaction


The purposes of this research were : 1) to construct a double shaft corn seed cracking machine, 2) to find the efficiency of a double shaft corn seed cracking
machine, and 3) to study user satisfaction towards the use of the double shaft
corn seed cracking machine. The sample in this research were 20 agriculturists at
Ban-rommeet and Ban-huainamrin, Maeyao, Muang, Chiang rai by using the purposive sampling method. The research instruments were the efficiency record form and the satisfaction questionnaire. In this study, the statistics were the percentage, mean and the standard deviation.
The results found that 1) the double shaft corn seed cracking machine was 30 cm. wide, 60 cm. long and 80 cm. high, controlled by a 1 hp motor 2) the efficiency of the a double shaft corn seed cracking machine was at 90 percentage and 3) the satisfaction towards the use of the double shaft corn seed cracking machine was at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Kongpolnan W, Reungchim P, Jinakhiaw S, Wichaisuab T. The Constructionand EfficiencyFinding of Double Shaft Corn Seed Cracking Machine. KRIS Journal [internet]. 2021 Jun. 27 [cited 2025 Jan. 23];1(1):43-52. available from:



Research Article