Management Model of Sufficiency Organic White Shrimp (Litopenaeus Vannamei) Farm at Tinsulanonda Fisheries College
Sufficiency Organic White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Farm, Management Model, Tinsulanonda Fisheries CollegeAbstract
This research aim was to study The Management Model of Sufficiency Organic White Shrimp ( Litopenaeus Vannamei) Farm of Tinsulanonda Fisheries College. By studying relevant documents and research, interviews 6 qualified persons and focus group with 10 teachers and parents to create a model conceptual framework. Study the results by performing the activities following the model and using the questionnaire from target population including 30 college stakeholders.
The results showed that: The System Flowchart Model and Program Flowchart Model are used to perform the activities at the college. The results of the study are the objectives and the drivers (e.g. inputs, processes and products) are in the highest level of opinion and the benefits for college, knowledges and procedures are in the high level of opinion. Recommendations 1) organize other farm activities that have been accredited to well standards. 2) the arrangement of support and participation of the private sector in raising income with educational institutions and 3) cross-faculty teaching in among agricultural, industry and commerce or other sectors.
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