The Study of the Learning Achievement that has been Learned by a Set of Teaching on Skills Training1 Subject (2100-1003) for Vocational Certificate Students.


  • Sutha Buadam


Learning Achievement, Satisfaction, Vocational Certificate Students


The purposes of this research were : 1) to develop and find the efficiency of a set of teaching on Skills Training1 Subject (2100-1003) for vocational certificate students with an efficiency of 80/80 2) to study the learning achievement of learners who have been learned with a set of teaching on Skills Training1 Subject (2100-1003) for vocational certificate students 3) to study the learners’ satisfaction towards learning with a set of teaching on Skills Training1 Subject (2100-1003) for vocational certificate students. The samples in this research were 31 vocational certificate students in Automotive field atSatunTechnical College in the first semester of the academic year 2016, using the purposive sampling method. The research instruments consisted of a set of teachingon Skills Training1 Subject (2100-1003), vocational certificate level, an achievement test of learning skills in a skill training1 Subject (2100-1003), vocational certificate level and a satisfaction questionnaire towards learning management by using a set of teaching on Skills Training1 Subject (2100-1003), vocational certificate level.
The results of the research were found that 1) the quality of a set of teaching on Skills Training1 Subject (2100-1003), vocational certificate level is at a high level. It had an average score of 4.61 and had the efficiency of 81.00 / 80.90, which met the criteria set in the process and the outcome 2) the learning achievement of the learners who has been learned with a set of teaching on Skills Training1 Subject (2100-1003), vocational certificate level, after learned was higher than before statistically at the 0.01 level of significance. 3), The students are satisfied in learning with set of teachingonSkills Training1 Subject( 2100-1003), vocational certificate level were in the high level, with an average of 4.31


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How to Cite

Buadam S. The Study of the Learning Achievement that has been Learned by a Set of Teaching on Skills Training1 Subject (2100-1003) for Vocational Certificate Students. KRIS Journal [internet]. 2021 Jun. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];1(1):87-98. available from:



Research Article