The Study of Marketing Mixes Influencing the Customer's Decision to Use 7-Eleven Services in Taksin 1 Branch (Wongwian Yai), Thonburi Area, Bangkok
Buying decision, Marketing mixes, Marketing factorsAbstract
The purposes of this study were to: 1) study the marketing mixes influencing the decision of buyers at 7-Eleven store, Taksin1 branch (Wongwian Yai) in Thonburi District, Bangkok and 2) compare the marketing mixes influencing the decision of buyers at 7-Eleven store, Taksin1 Branch (Wongwian Yai) in Thonburi District, Bangkok classified by demographic information. The samples for the study were 399 customers in Thonburi District derived from simple random sampling technique based on Taro Yamane Formula. The data are collected by questionnaires. The research statistics for analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and F-test, One-way ANOVA and Scheffe's method. The results showed that the marketing mixes that influenced the Decision of buyers arranged in order from the highest to the lowest were as follows, products, distribution channel, personnel, marketing promotion, service process, price determination and physical structure of the store. The hypothesis test showed that in overall, gender and status factors showed no statistically significant difference on the decision of buyers. However, the factors on age, educational level, career, and monthly income showed the differences in buying decision at statistically significant level of 0.05.
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