Effects of Aluminum Weld Metal with Gas Tungsten Arc Welding on Aluminum Cladding Layer Properties of S45C Carbon Steel Surface
Aluminum cladding, S45C carbon steel, gas tungsten arc weldingAbstract
Welding process is one of an effective repair process for adding metal layer on a worn surface of an agricultural machinery part damaged during operation. Therefore, welding process parameters optimization that could improve mechanical properties of a wom surface was an important topic that was continuously performed for extending the service lite time of the machinery part. This article aimed to study effects of aluminum cladding parameter on 545C carbon steel surface properties using a gas tungsten arc welding.The summarized results were as follows. Increase of welding current tended to increase hardness of the joint interface between aluminum weld metal and steel surface. Chemical composition analysis at the joint interface showed the formation of Fe-Al intermetallic compound and tended to increase hardness and wear resistance of the interface. Optimized welding parameter that produced maximum hardness of 900 HV could be found at 3 welding layers with the welding current of 190 A, the welding speed of 100 mm/min, and the wire feed rate of 200 mm/min.
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