Notification System for Entering and Exiting the College of Students via Line Notifying Application Program Interface


  • Wimolchawee Wicheanrat


notification via Line, students


The objectives of this study were to: 1) create a notification system for entering and exiting the college of students via Line Notifying Application Program Interface and 2) find the users’ satisfaction towards the notification system for entering and exiting the college of students via Line Notifying Application Program Interface. The sample group consisted of 14- second year students in the Department of Business Computer who enrolled in the second semester of the academic year 2020 at Tha-sae Vocational College. The questionnaire was used as a tool to measure the satisfaction level in using the notification system for entering and exiting the college of students via Line Notifying Application Program Interface analyzed by mean and standard deviation. The research results showed that the notification system for entering and exiting the college of students via Line Notifying Application Program Interface was effective. The students reported their satisfaction on the use of this application at the highest level with the mean at 4.78. When considering on each aspect, the item with the highest satisfaction level was the responding speech of the application with the mean of 4.90, followed by the accuracy of the information with the mean of 4.80. On the item of willingness to use the application, the students rated the application at 4.70 and the user-friendly of this application was 4.60.


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How to Cite

Wicheanrat W. Notification System for Entering and Exiting the College of Students via Line Notifying Application Program Interface. KRIS Journal [internet]. 2022 Dec. 6 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];2(2):41-6. available from:



Research Article