Development and Efficiency Finding of Uninterruptible Mobile Power Supplies
mobile power backup equipment, solar cells, inverters, solar chargersAbstract
The objectives of this research were to: 1) develop a mobile power backup device, 2) test the efficiency of the mobile power backup device, and 3) study users' satisfaction of the mobile power backup device. This research was to study the run-time of batteries from 5 types of electrical appliances. The primary variable was the types of electrical appliances including DC lamps, notebooks, TVs and fans while the dependent variable was battery usage time. To study the users’ satisfaction of the mobile power backup equipment, 20 participants included experts in product design, entrepreneurs selling electrical equipment, and electricians in Chaînat Province selected by purposive sampling method. The research instrument consisted of a mobile power backup device and the satisfaction questionnaire. The statistics used in the research were mean, percentage, and standard deviation. The experimental results showed the average run-time of the electrical devices as follows: a 10W DC lamp and a 5V 2Ah mobile phone at 48 hours, a 58W 21" TV at 8.27 hours, a 0.26Ah 57W 16" fan at 8.42 hours, and a 90W notebook at 5.33 hours. The users reported their satisfaction towards the mobile power supplies as follows: the design was very good with a mean of 4.79 and SD of 0.29; the quality reached very good level with the mean of 4.8 and SD of 0.31, and the users' satisfaction of a very good level with the mean of 4.87 and SD of 0.16.
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