The Development of Learning Achievement in the Suit Tailoring Techniques Course Code 30401-2203 under the Situation of Contagious Disease (COVID-19) by Using a Flipped Classroom Model Learning Management for 2nd year Diploma Students, Department of Fashio
learning management by Flipped Classroom Model, suit tailoring techniques, contagious disease (COVID-19)Abstract
This objectives of this research aimed to: 1) develop the learning achievements of Suit Tailoring Techniques Course Code 30401-2203 during COVID-19 by Flipped Classroom for the 2nd year diploma students, Department of Fashion and Apparel Technology, Pattani Industrial and Community Education College and 2) evaluate the satisfaction of the 2 year diploma students, Department of Fashion and Apparel Technology, Pattani Industrial and Community Education College who studied Suit Tailoring Techniques Course Code 30401-2203 during COVID-19 by Flipped Classroom. The target group consisted of 18 students derived by purposive sampling technique. They enrolled the Suit Tailoring Techniques Course Code 30401-2203 for a high vocational certificate in the second semester of the academic year 2021. The research tools consisted of: 1) lesson plans by using Flipped Classroom, 2) midterm and final assessments, 3) performance skill assessment forms, and 4) satisfaction assessment forms. The data were analyzed by means () and standard deviation (S.D.). The results of the study were as follows: 1) the learning achievement in this course showed effectiveness. The assessment of the operational skills, midterm exam scores, and the average final exam score was 80.22 and the standard deviation was 6.54. It can be concluded that the leaming management by Flipped Classroom resulted in the score of the 18 students not lower than grade 2 equivalent to 100.00 percent. 2) The satisfaction of the students studying the course was at the highest level (
= 4.62, S.D. = 0.18).
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