College Administration Concept for Production and Development Of High Performance Vocational Workforce to Meet National Development for Aircraft Maintenance Technician According to the Standards of the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT): A Case S
college administration, sense of owner ship, Standards of the Civil Aviation Authority of ThailandAbstract
The administration of Ubon Ratchathani Technical College aims to produce and develop high-performance vocational workforce to meet national development for Aircraft Maintenance Technician according to the standards of the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT), which will make the college to become the aircraft maintenance training organization. The results of the case of Ubon Ratchathani Technical College showed that the key factor of successful college administration included cooperation network of both public and private sectors. The operation of the college administration should be under the sense of ownership, which consists of: 1) organizational loyalty, 2) teamwork, 3) participation management including co-thinking, co-doing/co-operation, co-responsibility, co-solving, and co-pride, and 4) system management with Input Process Output (IPO). These management principles are considered the heart of the college administration. The success of the Ubon Ratchathani Technical College administration has resulted in the accredited certificate for an aircraft maintenance training organization. Moreover, the Aircraft Maintenance Technician Curriculum was also accredited. In addition, teachers and educational personnel have been developed with higher knowledge, specific professional skills, and experiences in this field. Another advantage is that students who graduate from the Aircraft Maintenance Technician Curriculum of Ubon Ratchathani Technical College will be awarded two diplomas. This development is highly beneficial to the progress of air transport industry in Thailand by providing the students with qualified skills as mechanism for driving national development.
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