The Development of a Short-term Career Course on Fabric Printing from Natural Plants for the Community of Khuan Don Vocational Training Center, Satun Technical College


  • Nathanan Chumkaew
  • Vichian Boontieaw
  • Piyaphong Sangwan
  • Pattama Madsalee
  • Phatcharee Promput


short-term career course, fabric printing, community


The purposes of this research were to: 1) develop a short-term career course on fabric printing from natural plants for the community of Khuan Don Vocational Training Center, Satun Technical College and 2) study the trainees' satisfaction towards the developed short-term training courses. The target group included 125 participants of 5 projects or 25 participants in each project based on their interests. The training courses were conducted during July 2, 2022 to September 2, 2022. The research tools consisted of 1 a quality assessment form of the short-term courses and 2 a questionnaire on trainees' satisfaction after learning with the short-term training courses. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean (X), and standard deviation (S.D.). The results of the study showed that: 1) the short-term vocational curriculum consisted of the response to the needs of the community, the required curriculum competencies, descriptions of the course contents complying with course objectives, media, tools, and materials. The evaluation showed that the training courses covered the content mentioned above at the very high level. The assessment approaches were consistent with the curriculum competencies knowledge base. 2) The evaluation of trainees' satisfaction towards the knowledge transfer about printing fabric patterns from natural plants to the community was overall at the highest level (X =4.52, S.D. =0.52). When considering on each aspect, the trainees reported high satisfaction on every aspect with the highest on the knowledge of the courses (X =5.00, S.D. 0.00) followed by the efficiency of the trainers.


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How to Cite

Chumkaew N, Boontieaw V, Sangwan P, Madsalee P, Promput P. The Development of a Short-term Career Course on Fabric Printing from Natural Plants for the Community of Khuan Don Vocational Training Center, Satun Technical College. KRIS Journal [internet]. 2023 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];3(2):29-40. available from:



Research Article