Factors Affecting the Decision on Choosing Enterprise Services of Tax Auditors in the Special Development Zone of Southern Boarder Provinces (Yala, Pattani, and Narathiwat)


  • Supawadee Sanohkan


tax auditors, enterprises, special development zone of southern boarder provinces


The purpose of this research were to: 1) study the factors affecting the decision on choosing enterprise services of tax auditors and 2) compare the factors affecting the decision on choosing enterprise services of tax auditors in the special development zone of southern boarder provinces (Yala, Pattani, and Narathiwat). The samples in this study consisted of 169 registered enterprises in the special development zone of southern boarder provinces derived by purposive sampling technique. The data were collected through 5-scale questionnaires and analyzed by percentage, means, standard deviation, T-test, and F-test. The results revealed that the informants reported their opinions towards the choices of tax-auditor enterprises at the highest level. The research hypothesis test showed that different registered capitals affected the decision on choosing enterprise services of tax auditors in the special development zone of southern boarder provinces with the statistically significant difference at 0.05 level while the work positions and the types of enterprises showed no statistical difference.


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How to Cite

Sanohkan S. Factors Affecting the Decision on Choosing Enterprise Services of Tax Auditors in the Special Development Zone of Southern Boarder Provinces (Yala, Pattani, and Narathiwat). KRIS Journal [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 21];3(2):85-94. Available from: https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/KRIS/article/view/3296



Research Article