Upgrading Achievement of the National Skill Standard Test for Students of Vocational Education Course in Electrical Power in Chaiya Industrial and Community Education College (before Graduation) by Professional Learning Community Process


  • Kobkeid Yangjarien
  • Sanwat Thongkaew
  • Phinyo Thitragool
  • Anurak Nemahawan
  • Worasit Khongprasert


professional learning community, learning process, National Skill Standard Test


The purposes of this research were to: 1) develop teaching and learning management by the professional learning community process to encourage the students' ability on the National Skill Standard Test in the field of Electrical Engineering, Chaiya Vocational College before graduation and 2) raise the students' achievement on the National Skill Standard Test. The target group included 63 students studying Power Electric, Electrical Engineering in the academic year 2021 derived by specific selection. The research tools consisted of a developed learning management plan with the content consistent with the National Skill Standard Test, a performance score recording form, a group meeting recording form, a teaching observation form, and posttest. The statistics included percentage and efficiency value (E1/E2). The research findings showed that the teaching and learning management was developed based on the professional learning community process to enhance the ability of the National Skill Standard Test for students in Electrical Engineering. The lesson plan was prepared by the group of research members of Chaiya Industrial and Community Education College. The course consisted of 1 learning unit based on the National Skill Standard Test of 4 subjects with the details of the efficiency as follows. The subject of Air-conditioner for Home and Small Business had the efficiency of 80.62/80.14. The efficiency of the course for Electrical Installation of Building (level 1) was 86.16/81.23. The efficiency of the course for Industrial Electricians (level 1) was 81.75/80.50. The efficiency of the course for Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) (level 1) was 78.71/78.59. Every subject reached the efficiency higher than the set criteria of 70/70. The overall results of the upgrading achievement of the National Skill Standard Test for students of Vocational Education Course in Electrical Power in Chaiya Industrial and Community Education College (before graduation) by professional learning community process showed that there was an increasing number of the students in the academic year 2564 who passed the National Skill Standard Test with the difference of 43%.


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How to Cite

Yangjarien K, Thongkaew S, Thitragool P, Nemahawan A, Khongprasert W. Upgrading Achievement of the National Skill Standard Test for Students of Vocational Education Course in Electrical Power in Chaiya Industrial and Community Education College (before Graduation) by Professional Learning Community Process. KRIS Journal [internet]. 2023 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];3(2):129-3. available from: https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/KRIS/article/view/3300



Research Article