Automatic Scarecrow with Solar Cell System
automatic scarecrow, solar cell system, engineering efficiencyAbstract
The objectives of this research were to develop and find the efficiency of the automatic scarecrow with solar cell system and then, find users' satisfaction. The sample group included 30 users derived by purposive sampling technique to complete a recording form and questionnaires of 5 Likerts' Scales. The data were analyzed by mean and SD. The results showed that the 30 samples reported their satisfaction towards the automatic scarecrow with solar cell system at the highest level with the mean of 4.69 and SD of 0.57. When considering on each itern, it was found that the most satisfactory issue was item 1 on the beauty of the design with the average of 4.85 followed by item 6 on the environmental friendly with the average of 4.80. The least satisfaction was item 2 on the suitability of the materials with the average of 4.47 or high level.
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