Sustainability Challenges and Opportunities in the Semiconductor Supply Chain

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Yu-Ting Chen


In this article, we discuss the challenges of sustainable development faced by the semiconductor industry, including resource constraints, environmental impacts, worker protection, and ethical issues. The main challenges faced by the semiconductor industry are the increasing demands from environmental regulators and consumers to be more environmentally and socially responsible, to reduce the use of energy and water resources, and to reduce waste emissions.     

The demand for such development has also created many opportunities for the semiconductor industry supply chain, including the use of green engineering technologies, more efficient use of resources and circular economy. Therefore, in this paper we will discuss in detail some of the sustainability issues faced by the semiconductor industry, including ethics, environment, labor protection and resource constraints, as well as environmental damage and impact. Finally, we provide various recommendations in this article regarding the sustainable development of the semiconductor industry and the opportunities it can encounter.

After a brief overview of the current status of the semiconductor supply chain, we pointed out the challenge faced by and strategies that were be deployed by the key companies, such as TSMC and Intel. And finally, the conclusions were drawn.

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How to Cite
Chen, Y.-T. (2023). Sustainability Challenges and Opportunities in the Semiconductor Supply Chain. Supply Chain and Sustainability Research: SCSR, 1(4), 41–59.
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