Exploring Work Engagement among Chinese Student Affairs Educators: A Literature Review on Supply Chain and Sustainability Management

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Xunheng LONG


Employee burnout and work engagement issues are a key focus in the field of human resource management. Through the literature analysis of the job characteristics of student affairs educators (SAE), SAE groups are prone to burnout and low work commitment. Through the combing of JD-R theory, it is found that  JD-R theory still has some research space in improving the job input of SAE groups, solving work-family conflicts, and improving SAE health problems.

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How to Cite
LONG, X. (2024). Exploring Work Engagement among Chinese Student Affairs Educators: A Literature Review on Supply Chain and Sustainability Management. Supply Chain and Sustainability Research: SCSR, 2(1), 22–37. https://doi.org/10.14456/scsr.2024.2
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