Integrating Carbon Credits into Supply Chain Decision Simulations: Environmental Analysis and Business Strategy Discourse

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Arthur Hsiao


As global concerns about carbon emissions continue to escalate, effective carbon emission management has become a crucial aspect of business operations. This study aims to develop a simulation system centered on enterprises, incorporating carbon emission trading dynamics into comprehensive decision-making frameworks. Through environmental analysis, decision-making processes, and target management, this paper systematically models the business environment for enterprises under carbon emission constraints. Additionally, it explores the influence of carbon credit mechanisms on business strategies. The simulation system endeavors to serve as an experimental platform for researchers and business managers, enabling them to conduct simulation tests and refine strategies. Ultimately, it seeks to help enterprises navigate the challenges of carbon emission management and achieve mutually beneficial outcomes for both the environment and the economy.

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How to Cite
Hsiao, A. (2024). Integrating Carbon Credits into Supply Chain Decision Simulations: Environmental Analysis and Business Strategy Discourse. Supply Chain and Sustainability Research: SCSR, 3(2), 17–33.
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