Work-Life Quality, Employee Performanceบทคัดย่อ
Businesses may struggle when management fails to see the relationship between work-life balance and worker productivity. Poorer productivity, employee stress and attrition, and higher recruitment and training costs are a few of these. The ability of businesses to implement successful policies and practices enhancing work-life quality, organizational performance, and talent attraction and retention may be hampered by a lack of understanding regarding this connection. Issues with the quality of work-life for employees can harm their physical and mental health, which has a negative impact on productivity and absenteeism. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between work-life quality and employee performance in Huazhi Excellent Productivity Promotion (Beijing) Co. The sample used in the study consisted of 82 employees in Huazhi Excellent Productivity Promotion (Beijing) Co, Ltd. A set of questionnaires were used as the instrument for data collection. The content validity value of the questions is 1.00 and the reliability coefficient of the questionnaire is 0.819. The following statistics were used in data analysis: Frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis.
The result found that work-life quality including working conditions (β = 0.216), the opportunity for advancement (β = 0.200), the opportunity to develop one's abilities (β = 0.383), and sufficient and fair compensation (β = 0.229) affecting employee's performance. Statistically significant at the level of 0.05, all four variables together predict employee performance up to 86.2%.
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