
  • Zicheng Zhang Faculty of Business Administration, Thongsook College
  • Phatthararuethai Kenikasahmanworakhun Faculty of Business Administration, Thongsook College


Marketing Mix, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction


The aim of this study was to investigate the marketing mix and service quality factors that influence customer satisfaction with Kuaying Digital (Beijing) Technology Co, Ltd. The research targeted customers who had previously used the company's services. The data collected from a sample of 300 respondents using questionnaires were analyzed based on frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The hypotheses were tested using multiple regression analysis.

The study revealed the following results: 1) The marketing mix factors, consisting of product, price, place and promotion, had a significant impact on customer satisfaction and showed statistical significance at the .05 level with a predictive power of 55.6%. And 2) The factors of service quality, including reliability, assurance, responsiveness, and empathy, had a significant influence on customer satisfaction at Kuaying Digital (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. and showed statistical significance at the .05 level with a predictive power of 66.1%.


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How to Cite

Zhang, Z., & Kenikasahmanworakhun, P. . (2024). THE IMPACT OF MARKETING MIX AND SERVICE QUALITY FACTORS ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION OF KUAYING DIGITAL (BEIJING) TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. วารสารการจัดการโซ่คุณค่าและกลยุทธ์ธุรกิจ, 3(2), 1–15. สืบค้น จาก