The Development of a Instructional Packages about Multiplication by Play-Way Method for Grade 2
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The purpose of this research were to 1) develop a Instructional Packages about Multiplication by Play-Way Method for Grade 2 that has the efficiency criteria at 70/70 2) compare the academic learning achievement of students in Grade 2 before and after by using Instructional Packages about Multiplication 3) investigate students' satisfaction in learning management using the Instructional packages about multiplication by play-way method. The samples of this study included 28 students in grade 2/3 at Rangae Kindergarten, Narathiwat Province in the 2022 academic year; this group was chosen using a specific selection method (purposive sampling). The instruments used in this study were 1) Instructional Packages about Multiplication by Play-Way Method 2) learning achievement tests and 3) a questionnaire on satisfaction. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage (%), mean (), standard deviation (SD), and Paired t-test. The finding were as follows : 1. The learning management a instructional packages about multiplication by play-way method that had the efficiency criteria (E1/E2) at 80.44 / 82.57 2. The students post-treatment scores were higher than their pre-treatment scores at the 0.05 level of significance; 3. The satisfaction of students who learned with a instructional packages about multiplication by play-way method was found to be at a high level, an average and standard deviation (= 2.74, S.D. = 0.44)
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