Development of Technology ability by Google Site Learning in the history of the male and female followers’s Buddhist for grade 12 students Chiang Yuen Pittayakom School Chiang Yuen District, Mahasarakam
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The objectives of this research are: 1) to compare Technology ability of Grade 12 students before and after by Google Site learning of the history of the male and female followers’s Buddhist. and 2) to study the satisfaction of Grade 12 students who received learning management through learning Technology ability by Google Site of the history of the male and female followers’s Buddhist. The sample used for this research was Grade 12 students Chiang Yuen Pittayakom School 39 persons are used by simple sampling method. The instruments used in this research consist of: 1) plans for learning 2) problem Technology ability test and 3) questionnaire on student satisfaction. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, paired t-test statistics. The research results were found that 1) Grade 12 students who were manage to learning by Google Site have higher Technology ability than before class. With statistical significance at the .05 level. 2) Satisfaction of Grade 12 students toward learning management through learning for Technology ability by Google Site of the history of the male and female followers’s Buddhist. Qverall at the highest level.
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