An Analysis of the Tactics of Syeikh Daud Al-Fatani Nonviolent Struggle
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This research is qualitative research. The objective is to analyze the peaceful struggle tactics of Sheikh Dawood Al-Fatani, collecting information from documents related to various contents and specifying sub-topics. Analysis and presentation of analysis results in the form of descriptive reports analyzed according to the specified objectives. The results of the study found that Syeikh Daud fighting idea since the early Rattanakosin period changed the state of Patani from an independent state to a state under Siamese rule. Syeikh Daud learned of the events that took place in Patani. and Patani was separated into seven cities. Considered to be the strategy of the Siamese state, there was division and government. To weaken the Patani elite, the change from having a single Sultan with absolute power to having seven governors. to have the same level of power status Syeikh Daud Al-Fatani's method of fighting through peaceful means, he saw the struggle and loss. So it changed to fighting by using force and weapons. It is a struggle by raising the level of Islamic science by writing books and textbooks through peace negotiations.
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