State of Islamic Ethics Implementation at Iqra Muslim School, Bangkok

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Seiree Puangmanee
Abdulhakam Hengpiya


Application of Islamic ethics in the functioning of educational institutions is necessary for school administration and management to succeed in this world and the hereafter. This study aims to examine the state of Islamic ethics implementation at Iqra Muslim school, Bangkok. The key informants comprise 25 persons, namely, the head of the group subject, the head of the class level, and the head of the Tarbiyyah unit (morality and ethics promotion unit). This study employed a qualitative research design and used Iqra Muslim school, Bangkok as a unit of analysis. Questions from interviews and focus groups served as the research instruments. Using content analysis, the collected data was examined by first classifying it into primary issues and sub-issues based on the subjects of the interviews and focus groups. A diagram was then created by synthesizing the data to show how the entire data was connected. A descriptive presentation of the data was made regarding the state of Islamic ethics implementation at Iqra Muslim School, Bangkok. The results of the research revealed that Iqra Muslim School, Bangkok, operates in an Islamic environment that focuses on Islam as the base of management (Islamic-Based Management), instilling the school administrators, teachers, staff, and personnel by stimulating them (targheeb) to see the value of their work by seeking Allah’s satisfaction, chasing merit, and seeking success both in this world and the next world. Positive encouragement was provided through hadiyah (reward). The school sets clear religious and general policies, and it has a common goal: to create an excellent nation (Ummah al-Wustaa). In addition, the school focuses on personnel development, work instruction, work distribution, and continuous follow-up work. The school has a system for disbursement of materials, equipment, and various budgets; a system for checking, summarizing, and evaluating the work clearly; and all these things have been done through prominent activities and practices that inspire everyone to value the identity of an Islamic school.

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How to Cite
Puangmanee, S., & Hengpiya, A. . (2023). State of Islamic Ethics Implementation at Iqra Muslim School, Bangkok. Journal of Education Yala Rajabhat University, 2(2), 18–31. Retrieved from
Research Article


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