Factors Affecting the Decision to Participate in Occupational Training at the Satun Community College
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This is survey research that aim were 1) to study factors affecting the trainees’ decision to participate in occupational training at the Satun Community College. and 2) to study the trainees’ satisfaction on the occupational training at the Satun Community College. The population consisted of 421 vocational trainees. The instrument were a questionnaire. Statistics analysis were made the percentage (%), mean (µ) and standardization (s). The results found that : The personal factor analysis It was found that most of them were 337 (80.05%), aged between 46 – 55 years 103 people (24.46%), graduated with primary education 138 people (32.77%), having a career as farmers of 171 people (40.62%) and earning between 5,001 - 10,000 baht 207 people (34.91%) 2. The Internal Factors Affecting Decision to Attend Vocational Training with Satun Community College at the highest level was the need for vocational training in order to make a career and generate income. and the external factors that had the greatest effect on the decision to attend the training were friends and surrounding communities had an effect on the decision to attend the training at the highest level. 3. The satisfaction of the trainees toward the service of Satun Community College as a whole. at a high level When considering each aspect, it was found that all aspects were at a high level. The top 3 aspects with the highest mean were 1) speakers and knowledge transfer methods, 2) utilization of knowledge, and 3) staff services, respectively.
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