Muslim Organizations to Helping and Establishing Appropriate Muslim Identity for Muallufs in different regions in Thailand

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Abdullateh Saleah
Abdullroning Suetair


          This research is qualitative research its purpose is to study Muslim Organizations to Helping and Establishing Appropriate Muslim Identity for Muallufs in different regions, Provided key information 10 people from 3 Muslim organizations, Santichon Muslim Foundation, Human Mercy Foundation and Foundation for Education and Development of Isan Muslims. The research tool was an in-depth interview. Qualitative data analysis using content analysis based on in-depth interview framework. To answer research objectives the results showed that there are Muslim Organizations formed in different regions of Thailand that have contributed to and created the Muslim identity of Muallaf, 1) Santichon Muslim Foundation. Give advice on matters that you do not understand. Provide friendly assistance Listen to Muallufs problems. Providing knowledge through internet media as well as supporting funds for various activities about Islam 2) Human Mercy Foundation to assist and build a Muslim identity in the areas of basic subsistence, including accommodation, food, clothing, etc., learning Muslim identity by organizing teaching, training, training and routines in daily life Educating about the fundamental principles of Islam 3) Isan Muslim Education and Development Foundation Provide education and knowledge in building a Muslim identity. Contribute to the development of the region and the nation by acting as a driving force for the cooperation of Muslim brothers and sisters in the Northeastern region of Thailand and between countries Recognizing the need for quality development of human resources of society through activities such as the project of teaching religion to Muallufs; Summer training camps for Muslim youth, etc.

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How to Cite
Saleah, A. ., & Suetair, A. (2022). Muslim Organizations to Helping and Establishing Appropriate Muslim Identity for Muallufs in different regions in Thailand. Journal of Education Yala Rajabhat University, 1(1), 1–14. retrieved from
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