The Effect of Inductive Method in Educational Application Entitled Prayer on Learning Achievement and the Memory Persistence of Primary School Students, Year 4

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Hamdee Jehmoh
Muhammadsuhaimi Haengyama
Abdulramae Sulong


The objectives of this research were 1) to develop and find the effectiveness of the learning management plan entitled prayer on academic achievement and the memory persistence of grade 4 students that has the efficiency criteria at 80/80 2) to compare the pre-and post-learning achievements of grade 4 students using Inductive methods in educational applications entitled prayer. 3) to compare the memory retention of grade 4 students using inductive methods on educational applications of the prayer 4) to assess the satisfaction of grade 4 learners who use inductive methods on educational applications of the prayer. By purposive sampling, the sample consisted of 33 students at Ban Kototuera School, Raman district, Yala in the first semester of the academic year 2022. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test. The instruments consist of 1)learning management plans of Inductive methods in educational applications entitled prayer on academic achievement and the memory persistence, 2)pre-test and post-test, 3) Memory retention test (Using the same test used to measure achievement post-test), and 4)satisfaction questionnaire.The study results were as follows : the effectiveness of the lesson plan using the inductive teaching method on educational applications entitled prayer on academic achievement and the memory persistence of grade 4 students was 80.38/81.62, and the score of post-test and the memory persistence was significantly higher than before at the .01 level. The students’ satisfaction towards inductive method in educational application entitled prayer was at the high level with the mean score (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.12, SD = 0.76).

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How to Cite
Jehmoh, H., Haengyama, M. ., & Sulong, A. . (2023). The Effect of Inductive Method in Educational Application Entitled Prayer on Learning Achievement and the Memory Persistence of Primary School Students, Year 4. Journal of Education Yala Rajabhat University, 2(2), 71–81. retrieved from
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